How to Start a Book Club Even Oprah Would Be Jealous Of (Literally)

Book clubs are the perfect places to foster long-term friendships, meet interesting personalities and revel in bookish camaraderie.

BOOK CLUB – Letterpress type

So, you’ve been nursing the idea of starting one? That’s great! I mean, what better way to channel your enthusiasm, right? Right. Only, starting a book club might not be an easy breezy ride. There are a couple of important factors you need to consider (asides choosing a unique name, of course).

Let’s examine them one after the other.

Table of Contents


Who do you want to attract to your book club? Mums? Close friends? Women only? Teens? Genre-specific readers? Professionals? Everyone and anyone? Narrowing down your ideals can help prevent the infiltration of ghost members. Remember, the aim should be quality, not quantity.


Being purposeful about your endeavours is a surefire way to success. Starting a book club because everyone seems to be raving about them these days is not enough reason. What happens when you want to hop off the train? Relax and examine your intentions carefully. It will guide and help keep you grounded, and when things are going out of line, all you have to do is remember why you started in the first place. (Applicable to non-bookish areas of your life too. You’re welcome).


This is extremely vital to the fulfillment members will derive from your club. Will you have virtual or in-person meetings? Or a blend of both? If virtual, what plans do you have ahead of time to ensure this arrangement works for everyone? What online tools would aid your success? If one of your goals is to attract new members home and abroad, then, you might need to develop a strong plan to ensure your virtual book club operates smoothly. However, if you want to have solely in-person meetings, then make it convenient for everyone.

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What will the A-Z of your book club meetings entail? Any rules? Games? Will there be penalties? Will mild bants be a thing? What structure will discussions follow? Will there be food or everyone should eat before coming? Alcohol or not? Opening prayer? (Haha. Kidding. But you never know). Lay everything out.


Everyone’s got 24 hours, but people and lifestyles differ. Determine how frequent your meetings will hold. Also, take varying reading paces into consideration. Most book clubs meet monthly. But there are a few who have new reads every week. Your call. Just make sure you stay flexible when need be.


How will the decision of what book to read be made? Anonymous voting? Person-by-person? Randomly? Fate? (Haha. Kidding again). Explore all your options, but avoid being a dictator (a.k.a Indaboski), you’ll chase everyone away.

Stack of colorful hardback books, open book on blue background

I understand how tricky this can get. So, here are a few equally helpful tips from Book Riot to further tackle the book selection process.

In all, don’t forget to have fun. Oprah’s got nothing on you.

And that’s it on the basics of how to start a book club people will love. Tag us @bookclubsng on Instagram if you pull through with it. This post would be updated if we have more relevant tips.

Cheers to your book club!

Get some inspiration for your next read from book clubs’ previous picks here.

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