Udagbor’s “Cry of the Forest” Wins International Literary Award

A Nigerian writer, Godwin Cornelius Udagbor, has been announced winner of the Spring 2022 Outstanding Creator Award for his short story, “Cry of the Forest” according to Outstanding creators.com.

Godwin’s ‘Cry of the Forest’ won three categories awards. The piece came first in Short Story category; first in Myths & Legends, and second place in African Literature.

According to the organisers of the award, “This book involves the power of storytelling in preserving indigenous culture as well as the tug-o-war between the old and the new”.

The fast rising Nigerian writer came into the global literary stage in 2020 when he signed a publishing contract with a New York based publisher, Red Penguin Books. The short story was also translated into Hindi that same year, by an Indian poet, Rukiya Begum, giving the piece a Pan-India reach, and making it the first international translation the book will receive as disclosed by Assam Tribune, India.

In a letter by his publishers, Red Penguin Books, Godwin was described as a dab hand and his book as illuminating.

The award winning writer in his acceptance letter, praised Stephanie Sands Larkin, the CEO of the company for adding her publishing fertiliser to his literary space and soil which did not only create a fertile ground for him, but also bore him a juicy fruit.

As Godwin prepares to receive the award later in the year in New York, the US Embassy in Nigeria is warming up to host him first in Abuja, soon.

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