New OkadaBooks Handbook: How to publish your first bestseller and many more

Okay, so over the past few weeks we’ve been talking about OkadaBooks as a whole. At some point i started mixing the publishing tips with the App tips and tutorials. They are two different things.

OkadaBooks App tutorials talks about the App, how to use it and other app activities. I covered the refilling aspects and reading tips as well.

Then there is the Publishing tutorials that shows you how books are published on the platform and how to setup your first book and also some publishing errors you may encounter.

I finally compiled the posts into a complete ebook on publishing, withdrawal, managing your users, refilling (How users buy your books) and a background history of Okadabooks + notes from the Founder and a recent best seller on the platform, Sally Dadzie.

You can Read/download the Manual here for free
Be Awesome.
The Butterfly Brunch for Ladies, Themed: "Eat Talk Pray" A One-day Retreat filled with Networking, Food, Music and Discussion | Sunday December 11th, 2016
How to Refill on OkadaBooks App
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