How To Reset Your Okadabooks Password

Recovering your password on the Okadabooks App is really easy provided your internet connection is dead turned on and the email address you signed up with is a valid one. You could either recover your password from the Website or with the App on your device. They’ve both been tailored to ease your recovery. seriously.
  • Launch the Okadabooks App. You’ll land on the “Sign In” page.
  • Click the little “?” opposite the password textbox.
  • A page will pop up asking you to enter the email address you used to sign up in the first place.  Enter the Email Address and click “OK”
You’ll receive an email a few seconds later with a link to reset your password. Click the link. It’ll load up on your web browser
  • You’ll be given a “New Password” to sign into your account with while your email address stays unchanged. Copy the new password and Sign in with it. 
As advised in the new password page, you can save the password in case you’re signed out from your account any day. 
You could also change the password to something you want or prefer

What Is Okadabooks?
How To Change Your Okadabooks Password
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