Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Looks Stunning on the Cover of Vogue Korea

Beloved writer, feminist and capturer-of-hearts, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie has wow-ed us again. She graced the cover of the latest issue of Vogue (Korea). Mind you, this won’t be the first time. CNA has also been on the cover of British Vogue, Violet Book, Marie Claire (Brazil), Elle, Port Magazine and M Magazine.

On the cover of Vogue Korea, the Nigerian author is seen wearing a floral print apparel from the Moncler Richard Quinn Spring collection designed by Richard Quinn. You’ll agree that she does look stunning, regal, even.


Chimamanda Graces the Cover of Vogue Korea


CNA  is known (and applauded the more) for sticking to and promoting her African roots wherever she finds herself; language, dressing and hair. Hence, during the studio session for Vogue, she stayed true to herself.

Here’s a little dialogue she shared on Instagram.

Can you introduce yourself for the camera, and tell us who you’re with?

Yes but in Igbo” she replied.

Adichie went on to add (perhaps as an afterthought):[bctt tweet=”I speak a beautiful language, Igbo. And I speak another equally beautiful language, English. Blessed to be bilingual. Wish I spoke more. Wishlist: Swahili, Hausa, French, Mandarin, Portuguese) – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie” username=”bookclubsng”]

Ndi Igbo kwenu! Watch a short clip of her posing elegantly and speaking Igbo fluently below.

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