Decolonial Passage is a magazine that centers African, African-American, and Black Diaspora writing from the African continent, the Americas, Europe, and beyond. We encourage emerging and established writers to submit to the magazine and accept writing from writers of all backgrounds engaged in the decolonial project regardless of race, origin, gender, disability, or geographical location.
Issue #2 is currently open for submissions and is centered on food. We invite writers to present a sensory description of food — show us what it looks, tastes, smells, feels, sounds like — while also examining how food intersects with power and powerlessness. Send us your poems, short stories, flash fiction, creative nonfiction, and essays that examine food production and imperialism, the industrialization of food production, food abundance, food insecurity/scarcity, food deserts, food sovereignty, how food relates to colonialism/nationalism, farm workers, food and cultural heritage, food preparation and gender, and more.
For Issue #2, submit all genres in the one category designated “Issue #2” There is a 2500 word-count limit for short stories, creative nonfiction, and essays. Flash is 1000. Poetry submissions are limited to 2 poems. Writing not submitted through the Issue #2 portal will not be considered for publication in Issue #2.
The submission deadline is Dec.1, 2022.
We accept simultaneous submissions, but please inform us that you are submitting with Decolonial Passage and with another publisher. Also, please inform us immediately if your work has been accepted elsewhere.
All work must be your own.
We do not accept previously published work.
For essays, creative nonfiction and flash fiction, submit one piece only.
Rolling/Open Submissions in:
Essays and creative nonfiction should be a maximum of 2500 words.
Short stories maximum 2500 words.
Flash fiction maximum 1000 words.
For poetry, writers may submit up to three poems during the months of Jan, March, May, July, Sept, or Nov. Poetry submissions will open again September 1, 2021.
Format – submit your work in MS Word or doc format. Use size 12 font, double-spaced, Times New Roman with one-inch margins. Please include your name on your manuscript.
Because we currently have rolling submissions, we ask that you submit only once every six months.
Our goal is to have a response to your submission no later than 3 months time.
Decolonial Passage is unable to compensate writers at this time but has the intention of functioning as a cooperative and being able to offer a modest compensation in the near future.
All submissions must include a cover letter and a short and current bio.