10 Reasons Why You Should Join a Book Club

What is all the fuss about book clubs? I’ll tell you because I’m guessing you like, if not love books, yeah? Even if you don’t (which is quite sad), that can be remedied.

By now, you should have heard of or come across book clubs and their activities, and perhaps you’ve been toying with the idea of joining or creating one. But why exactly should you?  After all, in all we do, we should at least be purposeful abi?  Okay, let’s get to the koko. 

Membership is FREE (at least, in most)!


Credits: Giphy

New friends: joining a book club, is a perfect opportunity for you to meet and mix up with new people from all walks of life and ages. More so, when they are like-minded individuals. You know… they’ll actually ‘get it’. Your craze for books, that is.    

Development: if you’re a writer aiming to hone your art, joining a book club will aid your development. How? A good writer is first an excellent reader! Plus, you get to improve your vocabulary, spice up your literary life and learn new things. 💯

Book Discussions: honestly, there is some book that picks up to read and they just don’t make sense at first. Well, book club to the rescue! By the time you come together to discuss certain books chapter by chapter, you’ll feel much better and hey, learn one or two awesome things.

Commitment: no, I don’t mean marriage/relationship. Whether you like reading or not, I’m sure you’ve got lots of things going on to keep you really busy. So busy that you find yourself not reading a book in mooonths! Well, joining a book club will ensure that you’re consistent with and committed to your first love-books/reading. 😉
Food/refreshments: 😁 Who doesn’t like good food, drinks and more food? Of course, after all the mental exertion you’ll get some delicious stuff into that belly of yours. Lol

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Fun: meeting new people with like minds, doing what you love, discussing, having something/somewhere to look forward to, away from ‘work’ and the distractions of the internet for a while (if there’ll be physical meetings) is FUN. Trust me ☺

Exploring: left to you and I, there are some books we would never give second glances. But with a book club, you get to spread your tentacles and explore other genres and titles. And guess what? More often than not, we’ll come to love them! Haha. 

Motivation: if you STRUGGLE to read as little as two pages of a book in one month (no kidding, I know people who do), joining a book club will motivate you to keep reading. With time you’ll pick up a faster pace, and who knows? In a year, you can read 12 books! 

Through your interactions and a wide variety of books being read, you’re bound to become more knowledgeable and see things with from a new perspective.

There you have it. 10 reasons why you should join a book club. Now, Thank God for us  (bookclubs.com.ng), you can find book clubs in Nigeria and their meet updates & time more easily.

So, will you join one? Or you’re part of one already? Let us know by leaving a comment. Oh, know someone who needs to read these reasons? Why not be good and share? 😉☺

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