Young Africans Writing Contest (2022) by African Union

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The writing competition will be the first of its kind on the continent for the second edition, allowing young Africans to reflect on the weightiness of children and migration issues on the continent, ultimately defining the role of children and ECOSOCC in promoting free movement of people and contributing to policy implementation.
📍Topic: “A Day in the Life of a Migrant Child.”
📍Essay Instructions
1. Essays must be typed in Microsoft Word (version 2003 or higher) and submitted on A4 paper in MS Word format.
2. All entries must include a cover page containing the following basic information:
Full Name, Country, Name of the educational institution, Year/grade level
3. Entrants should use a 12-point font (preferably Times New Roman or Arial) and number their pages sequentially.
4. The essay should be no longer than 1000 words. There is no word limit, but essays of less than 500 words are discouraged.
5. Languages: Entries can be submitted in any of the official languages of the African Union (AU), including Swahili, English, French, Arabic, Spanish, and Portuguese.
6. All contestants must submit a completed and signed version of the participation form, which can be downloaded on the page
7. Participants are encouraged to keep a copy of their essays for their own records because they will not be returned.
8. Only original essays will be accepted for the contest.
9. Please note that the jury panel’s decisions are final.
All entries must be submitted electronically to the email address The essay and participation form should be attached in MS Word format, and only ONE entry per participant will be accepted.
The participant must meet all the criteria below:
Citizen and resident of an AU Member State;
Registered student in a secondary (high school) educational institution in an AU Member State;
12 – 20 years old;
Can read, speak, and write in any of the official languages of the African Union (AU) – Arabic, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and Kiswahili.
All participants will receive a digital participation certificate. The best entries in each of the six official AU languages will be rewarded as below:
—The Winner of the Overall Best Essay (amongst the 18 best entries all languages combined) will be rewarded with the ‘Outstanding YAWC 22 Achiever Plaque’ and a sponsored visit to the ECOSOCC Headquarters in Lusaka, Zambia.
—The Top 3 winners in each linguistic category will be provided short virtual and/or physical training opportunities, possibly at the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia or in another AU Member State
—The Top 18 essays will be published in a special booklet entitled ‘My Africa My Future,’ Volume 2.
List of Prizes will be officially communicated on the ECOSOCC website and to all entrants/participants electronically.
📍DEADLINE: September 16, 2022
For more opportunities, 🎙️join their WhatsApp Channel —
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